Genius will be born Pablo Picasso

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Pablo Picasso

Genius will be born Picasso

Their souls originate from another planet of our solar system.

Which planet did you imagine?

Usually it is the planet Venus.

There live the souls of artists and sages who surpass us in many ways in their knowledge and wisdom. When they come to us because of their wisdom and desire to help people, their memory is blurred.

But they bring us new light or new joy for a better and more beautiful life on earth. They teach us how to live.

Tudi po njihovih delih, kot so Leonardo da Vinci, Picasso , Rafae l – Prince of Painters, Einstein, Tesla in drugi, lahko to čutimo danes in se zavedamo, da so bili resnično geniji. Slikarji pa bolj občutijo tega duha in se včasih celo povežejo z njimi.

Mi že vemo.



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