Category Archives: ART
The art, or necessity of conveying what is seen in signs, images, or clearly defined forms, is also the language of the soul. Art, as has just been stated in “language,” is the need to convey what has been seen. The only difference is that in language the innermost state of the soul is revealed by distinct voices and sounds, while in art, as a language of forms and signs, the soul is encouraged to recreate its favorite impressions in unchanged form, signs and pictures. By dressing in material form, she provides a constant value to the impressions of objects from the outside world, and when she looks at them in order to be able to do so, she constantly rediscovers these impressions.
Therefore, this need is based on the incentive to permanently consolidate fleeting speech or what has been thought, said, or seen.
Umetnost ali nuja podajanja videnega v znakih, slikah ali jasno določenih oblikah , je prav tako jezik duše. Umetnost je, kakor je bilo pravkar navedeno pri »jeziku«, potreba po podajanju tega, kar je bilo videno. Edina razlika je v tem, da se pri jeziku najbolj notranje stanje duše razkriva z razločnimi glasovi in zvoki, medtem ko je pri umetnosti, kot jeziku oblik in znakov, duša spodbujena, da ponovno ustvari svoje najljubše vtise v nespre-menjeni obliki, znakih in slikah. Z oblačenjem v materialno obliko zagotovi stalno vrednost vtisom predmetov iz zunanjega sveta in ob pogledu na njih, da bi bila zmožna in tudi je, ponovno neprestano te vtise odkriva.
Potemtakem ta potreba temelji na spodbudi, da za stalno utrdi bežeči govor ali to, kar se je mislilo, govorilo ali videlo.
Art is thought
Art springs from thought. Thought engenders thinking and expands it. We need to make our [...]
Sower seed allegory
Sower seed allegory “Finding the real in the unreal is always a beautiful experience because [...]
New revelation through ART SOWER
New revelation through ARTSOWER Artistic creations in spirit are sublime WHY ART SOWER? Because [...]
HUMAN – emotion and mind
Feeling Our Emotions – Scientific American MIND: Professor Damasio, why are you so fascinated by [...]
Artificial intelligence or Absolute
Artificial intelligence or Absolute What is 100% ABSOLUTE – INFINITE – ONE – ALL [...]